Why did Liu Yifei become a god?

In the past two years, it seems incredible that Gu Ou has a high rating.

But 20 years ago, it was no surprise:

"Legend of Immortals and Swords" 9.1

"Daming Palace Ci" 9.1

"Young Son of Heaven" 8.7

The Secret History of Xiaozhuang 8.5

"Get on the Wrong Palanquin and Marry the Right Lang" 8.4…

Although there may not have been such a high evaluation at the beginning, the ratings of some dramas rose little by little later. But time not only has its own filter, but also the best sieve:

Only when the quality is good enough can it withstand repeated nostalgia.

Thinking about it, I am a little envious of my former self. Opening a costume drama at random is a pleasure to the eye –

The appearance is worthy of the character, and the acting skills can support deep feelings.

It looks good from the inside out.

A young actor who can carry a beam

Nowadays, a major symptom of unhealthy entertainment is:neoteny

The works are downgraded, and so are the actors.

In his twenties, he was still marketing his first kiss on the screen, and when he returned in his thirties and forties, he was still a sweet girl. How could he look at it?

Back then, the entertainment scene was vibrant, with no shortage of good actors or good works.

Let’s take a point that is now beyond our reach.Actors are young, but each can lead the way

Heaven is the best example.

Before the age of 15, Liu Yifei took on her first role in life, in "The Golden Dust Family"Bai Xiuzhu

Bright eyes and bright teeth, skin light than snow, a delicate puff face, in the classical shape of the Republic of China against the backdrop, really let us understand what is called a daughter, rich flower in the world.

source network

At this age, Little Flower might still be in high school by Huang Lei and Haiqing Chicken Baby.

But at that time, Liu Yifei was already about to play a complex precocious role –

Abandoned by childhood sweetheart Jin Yanxi, he robbed Leng Qingqiu of his husband, and finally gave up his obsession and completed his self-growth in a meaningless victory.

When she finally got the rose to show her love, she knew in her heart that the other party was no longer her sweetheart

At the age of 16, she received the role that established her future status in the rivers and lakes, "Sister Immortal"Wang Yuyan

wait untillittle dragon girlTake her upAt the height of her popularity, she was barely 19 years old.

The phenomenon that Wang Yuyan and Xiaolongnu were played by one person began with Chen Yulian and ended with Liu Yifei.

Not only is the beauty of these two characters similar, but also the image and temperament are affirmed by Jin Yong himself, and the appearance can convince the public.

Now let alone one person acting twice in Jin Yong’s stunning writing, just one is enough for fans of book dramas to turn the sky upside down.

Probably eating with one’s face was a kind of strength in itself.

If Tian Xian’s acting skills were still young, her good sistercomfortableIt can be said to be young and mature.

Under the age of 15, she can not only play the naive and simple eight sisters in "Golden Dust Family", but also challenge Dong Efei’s miserable life in "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang".

girllikeThe graceful and pleasant Jiangnan talented woman not only made Shunzhi fall in love at first sight, but also made our childhood unforgettable.

After being consort, her temperament became stable and mature visibly.

The emotional drama with Fulin makes people understand and convince why she is the emperor’s favorite woman.

When she melted the big jade son who did not accept her step by step with gentle filial piety, we also enjoyed the details of how her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got along.

What is even more impressive is the scene of her bereavement as a mother.

When the child was ruthlessly killed by the queen, she didn’t break her heart as soon as she came up.

Instead, he showed that he did not want to accept the truth and was in a state of paralysis for a long time.

It was not until the pain could no longer be buried that she let her tears burst and let out a cry of grief.

Release the grief, desolation, and despair in your heart layer by layer until the climax of your emotions.

At that time, Liu Dekai, who played Huang Taiji, was in charge of this scene. According to him, when Shu Chang performed, everyone at the scene was moved to tears.

In order to play the pain of losing a child well, the inexperienced Shu Chang specially went to watch Zhou Xun’s difficult labor scene in "Orange Red".

Even if she borrows and imitates, at the age of 15, she is enough to defeat 99% of the ancient puppet actresses who are currently entertained.

At the age of 16, Shu Chang challenged the "Dragon Eight" againTianshan Tongmu

Liu Yifei’s Wang Yuyan is very beautiful, and the huge contrast of comfort is a bigger surprise.

As the audience praised it:"This is Grandma Tianshan Tong! A typical witch with a disabled body, a cruel mind, and a psychopath."

Zhang Da Beard’s risky move not only stimulated Shu Chang’s potential, but also left a stunning film and television image.

The same goes for male actors.

Once upon a time, a group of child stars such as Cao Jun, Jingle, and Hao Shaowen could play the male lead and carry the ratings from the age of ten.

Play, funny play, emotional play, everything will do.

Now I see Han Haolin busy with various crew members, all of them are holding on to a sheep.

Then again, "Hidden Corner" and other children’s plays are only short-lived.

And compared with before, the role of young actors has been greatly weakened, usually playing the childhood and adolescence of the male and female protagonists in the first few episodes.

There are too many scenes and I am afraid that the audience rating is not guaranteed. I would rather let the big names force themselves to be tender under the age of old, resulting in the emergence of a large number of girl teachers and middle-aged male treasures.

38-Year-old Lin Feng plays the role of a teenager, Huang Taiji

Young actors are the hope of the film and television industry.

How likely they are often reflects the vitality of the film and television industry.

Characters have depth, actors have pursuit

The previous "ancient puppet" often had a shareDrama style

In addition to handsome men and beautiful women, the characters, emotions, and stories can withstand scrutiny.

For example, "Young Son of Heaven",Hao LeiPlayed an unflattering role – the first Borzigit family after the Qing Dynasty was abolished.

In "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", the empress kills a child-like, typical villain tool man out of jealousy.

Hao Lei played a ruthless woman who was not loved, shining brightly, and even overshadowed the emperor’s beloved Dark Cloud Pearl (equivalent to this role).

Huo Siyan performed well, but the opponent was Hao Lei

Borzidt is a princess who is arrogant and free on the grassland. After marrying in Beijing, she hates all kinds of red tape and petty work in the palace.

She clearly loves her cousin Fulin deeply, but she cannot communicate due to differences in views. She dances in each other’s minefield every day.

As soon as words come out, they hurt others and themselves.

The entanglement of two people is not a fake way to fight with emperors and queens, but gives people a real sense of suffocation in a husband and wife quarrel.

Hao Lei, 24, has already thought deeply when dealing with this not-so-positive image.

One of the scenes involved her not seeing the emperor for 218 days.

Halfway through the play, director Liu Heng expressed his dissatisfaction."The emperor put you in the cold palace. You haven’t seen him for more than 200 days. Why are you not nervous at all when we suddenly meet today?"

Hao Lei believes that nervousness is an inferior treatment."I have designed more than 20 kinds of reactions for Concubine Jing to see the emperor again with the live director, and nervousness is the least ideal one."

Hao Lei’s understanding and performance impressed Liu Heng. Originally, only 20 episodes were added to 40 episodes.

A character who can easily be played as a vicious and resentful woman, Hao Lei shows us:

A woman who is free on the grassland, how to gradually wither and wither in the deep palace.

As ShunzhiDeng ChaoNo less.

Losing his beloved Wu Yunzhu, he was shocked and powerless.

In the face of his lover’s increasingly cold body, even the Ninth Five Venerable could only howl, "I really have no choice."

Just pulling out this clip can reach the level of tears for the viewer.

After revisiting it again and again, you will find that "Young Emperor" is more than just a historical joke, more than just the emperor’s love and hate.

It also delves deeper into the heart of a young emperor than ever before, showing how feudal kingship distorted the nature of all people.

In the past, the ancient puppet’s romance was not inferior.

Under the ups and downs of the story, there are rich and deep people who support it, even if it is a supporting role, it has its own wonders.

At that time, what we experienced was the emptiness of the wealthy, the bondage of identity, and the suppression of power. The feudal tragedy conveyed the progressive thinking of modern people.

I don’t like this set anymore.

Without real tragedy or pain, the more sugar and pleasure the better.

Costume dramas and period dramas are almost reduced toLove under the Cult of Power, Mary Sue

It seems that the more noble the status, the more noble the moral character, and the more decent the love.

Why is "Empresses in the palace" still being reminisced after ten years of broadcasting?

Because of its classical and profound aesthetics, it is like the last afterglow of the previous costume dramas.

Reverse, please pay attention

Some time ago, Liu Yuning, the second male of "Say Heroes Are Heroes", made a remark –

"Most costume operas don’t require much of your acting skills as an actor."

"Good looks, people, two can be pinched."

At first glance, it doesn’t sound like art, but you have to admit that this is the current state of costume opera.

Having eaten enough "Hao Yan CP" benefits, it is not surprising that he came to such a conclusion.

This kind of truth, I wish more people would dare to say it.

Is there really no need for acting in costume dramas? Of course not.

Some people may think that is because there were many great writers like Liu Heng in the previous costume dramas.

Not to mention why the current screenwriters don’t have big names, in order to control the variables as much as possible, then use"Remake Drama"Let’s give an example.

Douban 5.2’s "Chang Anno" is a remake of "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang", Douban 4.0’s "Flowers are Good and the Moon is Round" is a remake of "Marry the Right Lang", and there are a large number of classic old dramas prefixed with the word "new", almost none of which break 6.

The same script, the actors’ performances are all going crazy backwards.

Take the clip of "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang" as an example, this is a turning point in the relationship between Da Yu’er and Dorgon, and the highlight of the whole play.

Love and son, personal love and social affairs, Xiaozhuang finally gave up the former and defended the latter in a dilemma.

Ma Jingtao repeated "died after a short break", every word was full of incredible resentment, but that "Yu’er" was still full of affection.

Tranquility goes from avoiding his eyes to lowering them, to tears falling, every rhythm point is just right.

The two people play against each other back and forth, driving each other’s emotions.

You can empathize easily: how hard the lovers have been in love for years, torn between power.

When they arrived at Cheng Yi and Zhao Yingzi’s place, it was simply a public execution.

As soon as he came up, the male protagonist burst into tears.

Shaking hands, staggering footsteps, trembling lips, tears all over the face, every detail is in the air.

Looking at the other side, it was just an emotionless speech machine, as if it was really casting a spell.

And it’s a mirror of entertainment.

Acting doesn’t have true feelings, it’s all "skills", never caring about the opponent’s state, and giving it to yourself.

Remember that in one episode of "The Performer’s Words", the old actor Wang Qingxiang said a sentence:

Play comes from the opponent

He and Siqingova played a couple in Beijing Love Story.

There was a scene where the two of them knew it would be a highlight, but they didn’t discuss the details of the performance.

After the shooting started, Siqingowa suddenly jumped on his back and pinched his neck. Wang Qingxiang was completely unprepared.

But he naturally took it on, "never stop playing".

Zhou Xun, who was on the side, also said that when she was working on "The Wind Listener", her opponent Tony Leung pointed her out:

What happens is what happens, don’t act.

This move made her realize that the real reaction from the moment is the best performance.

It’s not about humiliating today’s young actors with old drama bones.

But the entire entertainment’s attitude towards performances and works has undergone a visible change with the naked eye.

Perhaps we cannot easily blame Liu Yuning’s true thoughts, after all, what kind of environment will bear what kind of fruit.

Just like today, the 35-year-old Tianxian has no rival in China Entertainment, which is the real tragedy.


point"Watching"Looking forward to the "Renaissance"↘↘↘