Sichuan actively explores new models of medical care, and hospital care has "private customization"

  On the morning of May 17, with kidney failure, Rong Sun (a pseudonym), 37, accompanied by her family, went to the hemodialysis room of Deyang Second People’s Hospital for dialysis. Every time she finished dialysis, she still needed to change her bedsores, but now she didn’t have to go to another department, and there were special nursing staff "cross-department" to take care of her.

  "People’s increasing demand for medical care has raised new issues for nursing care, and new nursing models such as nursing continuation service, Internet + nursing, and personalized nursing have been launched at all levels of medical institutions," said Wen Xianxiu, chairperson of the Nursing Society of Sichuan Province.

  Care is "personalized" and each patient has a different care plan

  Not long ago, the 75-year-old mother-in-law Jin was admitted to the Geriatric Hospital of Sichuan Province. The hospital carried out a comprehensive examination for her mother-in-law Jin, and in terms of nursing care, it carried out "private customization" for the elderly. During the hospitalization period, the nurse regularly performed ankle pump exercises to prevent thrombosis, and the nurse in charge will adjust the nursing plan in a timely manner. Xiao Li, the head nurse of the endocrinology and digestive department, told reporters that each elderly person admitted to the hospital will have a comprehensive assessment and a different nursing plan. "Those who are malnourished will be provided with corresponding foods in their diet, and those who need to strengthen exercise will also be specially arranged to accompany them for walks."

  At the beginning of this year, the "unaccompanied model" appeared in the three hospitals in Chengdu, and the escort is no longer borne by the family, but handed over to professional care. Qiao Bing (a pseudonym), a cancer patient, became the first patient to experience it, which not only did not make his wife and children too much effort, but also saved the cost of hiring a nurse. During the month of surgery and post-operative recovery, the total price of the day care package was only 298 yuan. The daily escort cost is less than 10 yuan. Mr. Qiao said that he thought about hiring a private nurse, "but if you do, the daily cost is about 200 yuan. It is a lot of money for my family."

  Tao Lan, director of the nursing department of the Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu, said that the high cost of nursing staff and the uneven level of escort care have brought troubles to the families of patients, and also posed problems for the hospital to achieve high-quality management. The Third People’s Hospital of Chengdu has tried to introduce a third-party nursing staff management company in the form of publicly invited tenders, and has strengthened the ability of the entire escort team with the help of professional nursing training and standardized management.

  "When choosing a package, you need to undergo a medical evaluation first to ensure the protection of the patient." Han Qiang of the hospital’s nursing department introduced that on top of the evaluation results, the trained escort staff will provide different levels of escort projects according to the choice of the family. Grandpa Wu, who was admitted to the hospital with kidney stones, chose the escort project of 298 yuan, which included the whole day general care during the hospitalization, and the escort staff provided services such as inspection appointments and special examinations. Calculated, the average daily escort fee for 10 days of hospitalization is as low as 30 yuan/day.

  "Internet + Nursing" Appointment of nursing services like booking an online car-hailing

  By standardizing the development process and innovating the service model, "Internet + Care" has gradually taken root in all parts of our province.

  One day in February this year, Chen Li, an expert member of the wound ostomy nursing team of the Third People’s Hospital of Mianyang City, received an invitation for wound care on her mobile phone: to treat pressure ulcers for an elderly man over 70 years old. Chen Li came to the home of the patient’s mother-in-law Song and not only successfully completed the wound treatment, but also carefully explained the daily care knowledge and precautions of the wound to the family.

  This is similar to the nursing experience of booking an online car, and many hospitals in Mianyang City are carrying out it in an orderly manner. In 2020, Mianyang City officially launched the "Internet + Nursing" exploration practice, listing the elderly, convalescent and terminal patients, long-term bedridden patients, and family bed patients as key service objects, and providing them with home chronic disease management, rehabilitation nursing, special project nursing, health education, palliative care, etc. in combination with online channels. In January last year, Mianyang Central Hospital became the first pilot hospital in our province to carry out the "Internet + nursing door-to-door" service. By downloading a special mobile app, citizens can select nursing personnel one-on-one and confirm appointments. " "Network appointment nurses" are all uniformly equipped with nursing work recorders, leaving traces throughout the service behavior.

  "Hello everyone, you should pay attention to these things when caring for bedsores…" In the WeChat group established by the wound care clinic of the Second People’s Hospital of Deyang City, after patients raise nursing questions, the nursing staff will answer them in time. Chen Lijuan, a nurse at the hospital’s wound clinic, told reporters that providing WeChat nursing knowledge is only one aspect. If the patient needs it, the wound care team can also go to the patient’s home to treat pressure wounds such as bedsores.

  Online and offline efforts, sinking into families, extending to areas such as chronic disease care

  By the end of 2020, there were 285,900 registered nurses in the province, an increase of 50% over 2015; 3.41 registered nurses per 1,000 population, an increase of 47% over 2015.

  The number of nursing staff continues to increase, and the comprehensive quality of nursing staff and the reform and innovation of nursing service models cannot be absent. Our province has innovatively established a nurse practitioner credit system and standardized the regular reporting system for nurse practitioner records. The province has established 21 city (state) level and 160 county (district) level nursing quality control centers, forming a provincial-city (state) -county (city, district) three-level nursing quality control and management system to achieve full coverage of nursing quality management in the province. Take the lead in launching standardized training for new nurses across the country, and 93% of second-level and above medical institutions in the province have established a nurse post training system.

  In September 2012, the Provincial People’s Hospital established the Continuing Nursing Center, creating a comprehensive nursing center that integrates outpatient, community, family, and scientific research, effectively enhancing the professional level of nursing and enabling the continuation of the nursing needs of discharged patients.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, our province will continue to explore "Internet + nursing" services in depth, so that the team of nursing experts can provide online consultation and door-to-door services for patients and the public, and promote high-quality nursing resources and nursing services from tertiary hospitals to grassroots medical and health institutions, communities and families, and extend to chronic disease care, elderly care, rehabilitation care, home care and other fields. (Bai Huayu, Sichuan Daily All Media Reporter Shi Xiaohong)