Policy combination stimulates the vitality of enterprise innovation, and the emerging fields of Beijing’s private economy demonstrate their strengths

  The wind is warm and the sun is warm, the ****** is just right, and in the season ** growth ** all things, *******’s private economy is also emerging into the sun, making great strides in emerging fields such as energy storage and autonomous driving. A good start heralds a good year. The results ** the first quarter have given enterprises the confidence to write down goals such as doubling output value and going overseas to explore land into the blueprint. Behind the accelerated development ** a number ** private enterprises, a series ** policies in the city to support the development ** private enterprises and stimulate innovation vitality are silently escorting.

  New energy storage enterprise

  Good orders in the first quarter

  Four rectangular batteries, were subjected to shooting, needling, extrusion, high temperature test, morphological changes, but there is no trace of fire and smoke. Into the Beijing Weilan new energy technology joint stock company first floor hall, four after the abuse of the battery was placed on the side of the hall for display, showing the characteristics of semi-solid battery high safety advantages.

  Weilan New Energy is a solid-state battery industry-university-research incubator at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on semi-solid batteries and all-solid batteries. Compared with the current widely used liquid batteries, solid-state batteries replace the diaphragm and electrolyte with solid electrolytes to improve the safety and energy density of lithium batteries.

  At the end of 2023, Li Bin, founder of NIO, started a "super-long live broadcast", driving a car equipped with the latest long-range battery pack from Shanghai to Xiamen, covering a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers, which attracted widespread attention. This battery pack with super-long battery life is from Weilan New Energy. Chen Liye, director of the board office of Weilan New Energy, said that a number of semi-solid-state batteries developed by the company have been mass-produced, and the research and development of all-solid-state batteries is also advancing.

  With the completion and production of multiple production bases in Beijing and across the country, the battery company will open the market one after another in 2024. Talking about the order situation in the first quarter, Chen Liye said happily that not only energy storage batteries have been negotiating multiple "large orders", but also the export of small power batteries is growing very well, with orders in Europe, America and South East Asia markets. In terms of power batteries, the company is also negotiating with a number of car companies, and it is expected that more landing models will appear in the next year.

  Autonomous driving private enterprise

  Capture the subdivision track

  At every civil aviation airport, tractors for transporting passengers’ checked luggage are essential. Driving such tractors is a chore. In summer, the ground temperature of the apron can reach 60 or 70 degrees Celsius. In winter, tractors have no sealed doors and windows and are ventilated on all sides. Can autonomous driving replace human labor? This has become a business opportunity that Uisi Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. keenly smells.

  This is an innovative private enterprise with the goal of building a universal autonomous driving platform, and its business involves logistics distribution vehicles, buses, tractors, passenger cars, inspection vehicles and other fields. Holding a "square box" slightly thicker than a business card, Wu Gansha, founder and chairperson of Yishi Technology, introduced: "This is our latest generation of vehicle-level multi-domain controllers, which process various sensor information and eventually realize the’brain ‘of autonomous driving. After many iterations, its size has changed from the size of a computer host in the past to what it is now."

  At present, autonomous driving is still in the exploratory stage in the field of passenger cars, but it has taken the lead in some industrial and commercial fields. The airport’s tractor scene is the key area where Yishi Technology has made breakthroughs. After the company took the lead in cooperating with Hong Kong International Airport in 2017, after two years of testing and trial operation, in December 2019, the tractor began to shuttle through the Hong Kong airport in an unmanned state with multiple buckets full of checked luggage. Since then, unmanned tractors have successively entered Singapore Changi Airport and Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, and have also been applied to many industrial parks in China. At present, in the sub-track of driverless tractors, Yishi Technology is the only technology company that can provide large-scale operation solutions.

  Wu Gansha revealed that in addition to the Hong Kong International Airport’s continued purchase of unmanned tractors in 2024, ports, factories, animal husbandry parks, etc. are also expected to implement the company’s driverless products, and the company’s revenue is expected to increase significantly in 2024.

  Proposed major private investment project library

  Behind the development of the private economy to the sun, there is no lack of policy escort. As a key enterprise introduced by Fangshan District in the field of energy storage, Weilan New Energy has enjoyed multiple policy dividends. Zhang New Year’s Day, head of the Industrial Section of the Fangshan District Development and Reform Commission, introduced that it has helped enterprises apply for special project funds from the National Development and Reform Commission for scientific and technological research, and the total amount of financial support has reached 41.03 million yuan. With the development of enterprises, it is necessary to build a small-scale pilot production base. Fangshan District built it for enterprises and quickly promoted the project. It was completed and delivered in January 2023.

  Uisi Technology has also benefited from a number of policies to support the development of private enterprises. What made Wu Gansha feel the most is that Beijing provides certain subsidies for the first set of equipment that meets the conditions. "Before large-scale production is achieved, the first set of equipment may cost more. After the government provides subsidies, customers can buy lower costs, which also helps us bring innovative products to the market better."

  It was learned from the Municipal Development and Reform Commission that in 2024, the city will continue to provide real money to support the development and growth of the private economy. In terms of supporting scientific and technological research, it will explore the use of various methods such as awards, loan discounts, and first purchase orders to support private enterprises in original leading scientific and technological research and basic innovation transformation; a number of new common technology platforms will be deployed, and the cumulative support will not exceed 50 million yuan in three years. In terms of encouraging private enterprises to "go global", the cross-border RMB facilitation policy will be optimized, and the institutional breakthrough of mutual recognition of qualifications will be accelerated. In terms of promoting projects and providing scenarios, a major private investment project library will be established, and a number of projects with a total investment of more than 200 billion yuan will be publicly promoted to the public in 2024. (Zhao Yuhan)