Huludao 1031 taxi robbery and murder case solved (photo)


  The alleged offender was caught

  At 2 a.m. on November 3, the headlights of the Huludao Zinc Factory Hospital were shining brightly, and more than 200 taxis rushed here under the advocacy of the Huludao Radio Traffic Art Channel to send the victim’s "brother" Lao Dong for the last ride. The mirrors of each car were covered with white flowers, silently expressing their condolences to Lao Dong.

  At 3 o’clock, the motorcade to send the body away drove to the Xingcheng funeral home. The night of early winter was cold, and the drivers did not speak, and the whole city seemed to be much quieter at once. In the funeral home, more than 300 people bid farewell to Lao Dong’s body. The Dong family’s hoarse cries and grievances caused the drivers to shed tears.

  At about 1:30 am on October 31, Dong Linlin, the driver of Xiali Taxi No. 1600 Liao PB1600, was killed near Ciqi Road. The gangster fled after committing the crime. The police in our city (Huludao) immediately launched an arrest and captured the two alleged offenders in just 38 hours.

  "Dad, you can rest easy, so many colleagues have been thinking about you, I thank everyone on your behalf! The murderer of you has been caught by the police, and they will definitely pay the price!" Lao Dong’s son knelt in front of his father’s body, crying to himself, while expressing his gratitude to those who came to mourn…

  "Brother" is unfortunate

  At about 11:00 on October 31, the reporter received news through the news hotline of this newspaper that a taxi driver was killed in the early morning of that day. Subsequently, the reporter drove to the outside of Zinc Factory North Road where the accident occurred, and saw that the front of the taxi was parked westward in the middle of the two puddles in front of the door of the water truck. The scene has been cordoned off by the Longgang police, and nearly 100 onlookers gathered outside the cordon. Someone told the reporter that the family members of the murdered driver had just left the scene and were crying out of shape. The Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the technical staff of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Longgang Public Security Bureau are investigating the scene. With the permission of the police, the reporter began to follow up and interview

  At about 10:30 on October 31, the West Street Police Station of Longgang Public Security Bureau received a report from the owner of Liao PB1600, saying that the night shift driver Dong Linlin did not come to deliver the car during the morning delivery time, and the mobile phone was turned off and could not be contacted. He found Dong’s family and launched a day shift taxi to help find it through the radio traffic art broadcast. Some people said that the car was found near Shixing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., North Road, Zinc Factory. After the owner arrived, he found that Master Dong was not in the car, but there was blood in the car, so he immediately went to the West Street Police Station to report the case.

  After receiving the case, the police rushed to the scene to analyze the blood stains in the car. Feng Zhong, deputy director of the Longgang Public Security Bureau and director of the West Street Police Station, realized that the technical staff of the Criminal Investigation Brigade should immediately conduct a technical investigation based on his years of criminal investigation experience and the information provided by the car owner. Subsequently, Chen Haitao, deputy director of the Longgang Public Security Bureau, Li Shuming, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, and others conducted a on-site investigation. They opened the spare compartment of the car with the spare key provided by the owner and saw that Master Dong was lying inside, but Keren was long dead.

  Soon, Yang Yaowei, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Wang Dong, director of the Longgang Public Security Bureau, Zhang Heping, political commissar Li Jinfa, deputy detachment leaders Feng Deyong, Du Haishen, etc. arrived at the scene one after another to conduct further investigation and send the body to the hospital for autopsy. The autopsy results showed that there were scratches on the front of Dong’s head, blood in the nasal cavity, and the crime tool was a 0.4 cm rope, indicating that the gangster used a rope to tighten Dong’s neck and cause Dong to suffocate to death.

  The Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately held a case analysis meeting. After repeated research, the criminal investigation experts initially characterized the case as a taxi robbery and murder case, and set up a special task force, which was divided into 6 teams to investigate and visit the vehicle, the scene, the masses and the victims’ families. After expert analysis, it was found that the scene of the body was not the first scene, and the perpetrators should be more than two people, abandon the car and flee after turning off the car; the perpetrators had stayed at the scene of the crime, but were not familiar with the road conditions, so it can be determined that they were not local perpetrators.

  After two hours of meetings, the police deployed the next step of reconnaissance, and all police stations in Longgang were dispatched to quickly find the first scene and launch an all-round investigation.

  38 hours to catch the murderer quickly

  On the evening of October 31, Li Tieli, an investigator at the West Street Police Station, reported to the task force that a female taxi driver said that at 12 o’clock that day, two young men were going to take her car to Goubangzi. The normal price was around 450 yuan, but a man actually gave 750 yuan, but they could only pay when they got there because their mobile phones and wallets were stolen and they had no money on them. The female driver said it was a long journey and asked her husband to drive them. When the female driver’s husband arrived and saw two young men, he said that Daoyuan would bring a friend to accompany them. When the car drove near Ciqi Road, the two men got out of the car under the pretext of picking up something and never returned.

  At the same time, there are clues constantly on the desk of the task force: a patrol car found a shoe near the East Street of the zinc factory, and the family confirmed that it was the one that Master Dong was wearing when he got out of the car that day; a driver reported that when he was waiting in front of the Longtai Market that night, Master Dong’s car was in front of his car. When he left at 0:30, Master Dong’s car was still waiting in place.

  The task force transferred the surveillance video from 24:00 on the same day to 2:00 on the next day, showing that at 1:38, the taxi No. 1600 Liao PB1600 stopped 50 meters away from the main entrance of Shixing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and turned off the running lights. Two suspicious men got out of the car and walked forward on Shun Zinc Factory North Road. One of them was short-haired, tall, wearing a red jacket, light-colored pants, and white sneakers. The other was medium-sized and had curly hair. The task force preliminarily determined that these two were the major suspects in the "10.31" case. Afterwards, the police, based on the fact that they had a lot of belongings and had to take a taxi to leave, handed over a case file to the Municipal People’s Broadcasting Station, and began broadcasting relevant information through the Traffic Literature Channel on the evening of October 31 to mobilize the masses to provide clues.

  After the technical reconnaissance of the task force, it was learned that the alleged offender had been in contact with Shenyang people, and then sent a group of scouts to Shenyang City to request the cooperation of the local police.

  On the morning of November 1, the Longgang District Public Security Bureau called together all the police station chiefs in the area to redeploy the next step. At 15-16, a group of visiting team members learned that at 15:00 on October 31, a female taxi driver also encountered two suspicious men who said they were going to take a taxi to Goubangzi. The female driver took a similar approach to the previous female driver, and the two men got off the bus under various excuses. Another group of visiting team members was confirmed at the gate guard of Shixing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. At 1:40 am on October 31, they saw two men passing by in front of the company with several large bags. The watchman thought they were migrant workers, so he didn’t pay much attention.

  Feng Zhong, deputy director of the Longgang Public Security Bureau and director of the West Street Police Station, immediately led the scouts to invite the drug chief and the two female drivers who provided similar clues to the police station and identify them against the surveillance video. The three confirmed on the spot that the two men were the people they encountered.

  At about 20:00, a group of reconnaissance teams led by Xu Changyin, deputy director of the West Street Police Station, rushed to Xinmin City to increase the investigation and visit of Internet cafes, discos and other entertainment venues in response to the information and clues in the local area. At 22:00, the task force received a call from a taxi driver, saying that he saw two people with similar descriptions to the police near the railway station on the night of the crime. The reconnaissance team immediately went to the railway station to visit, and the owner of a stall reported an important clue: at about 2:30 am on October 31, two young men bought toilet paper and twist and other items here, and said that they would take the 1811 train to Shenyang at 4:00.

  At 22:15 and 24:00, Du Haisen, deputy captain of the municipal criminal police detachment, Zhang Heping, and Chen Haitao, deputy director of the Longgang District Public Security Bureau, led the reconnaissance personnel to Xinmin City.

  At about 24:30, good news came from Xinmin City: when the scouts sent to Xinmin in advance investigated the Internet cafe, they locked the key investigation objects in Xinmin City New Century Internet Cafe, and arrested the alleged offender Sun in the Internet cafe. At this time, it was exactly 38 hours before the police took the case!

  After questioning Sun, he confessed to the crime and gave another alleged offender, Fan, and his home address. Sun confessed that after the crime in Huludao, he and Fan rushed to Shenyang at 4 am, and then returned to Xinmin. The two did not have much money in their hands, so Fan pawned the ring at a pawn shop for 300 yuan, saying that he would redeem it after a while. When they broke up, Fan said: "I will go to a friend’s place to get some money first, and then find a place to work as a small worker." The scouts immediately divided into four groups and squatted at the pawn shop where Fan pawned the ring. They carried out a carpet investigation of Internet cafes, visited karaoke halls, dance halls, baths and other places, searched for areas and places where Fan often appeared, and increased patrols in such areas.

  At about 12 o’clock on November 2, Xu Changyin and Wang Guanghui, deputy directors of the West Street Police Station, were leading an inspection of the area where Fan was often active. Scout Li Tieli found two young men in red jackets walking opposite, one of whom was wearing and had physical features very similar to Fan. Li Tieli braked sharply, got off the car and quickly approached the target, and threw the other party to the ground with lightning speed! After interrogation, the man was Fan!

  The drivers thanked the police for their speed in solving the case

  At 13:00 on November 2, the reporter learned from the task force that the police are escorting two alleged offenders back to our city and will arrive at the west exit of Huludao Expressway at 15:00.

  The reporter immediately informed the traffic channel of the city radio station of the news that affected the city’s taxi drivers, and the traffic channel broadcast it on the radio. At 14:30, more than 60 taxis gathered outside the west exit of Huludao and stopped on both sides of the road in an orderly manner under the organization of the police.

  "These two inhumane murderers are too cruel!" People talked about it as they waited for the escort bus, full of anger and resentment. A taxi driver told reporters: "We heard the news of the arrest of the criminals on the radio, so we came here half an hour ahead of schedule. Everyone expressed their condolences to the murdered taxi driver brother, and on the other hand, they also thanked the police who solved the case quickly. Thank you for catching the criminal so quickly and avenging the victim. You see, we also prepared firecrackers…"

  At about 15 o’clock, someone in the crowd shouted, "Come back!" Zhang Heping, the captain of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment, arrived at the west exit first, and the car escorting the suspect also followed. "The police are really good!" "It’s so hateful, we must make these two boys deserve it!" The drivers gave warm applause to the police who had not had time to rest.

  Gu Changjiang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Wang Chunyuan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Lei Yutao, Assistant Director and Office Director, also came to greet the scouts. Gu Changjiang grabbed the hands of the members of the task force and said excitedly: "On behalf of the Party Committee of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, I would like to express my warm welcome and cordial condolences to the members of the task force who have fought continuously on the front line and successfully cracked the ‘10.31’ Taxi Robbery and Murder Case. You have worked hard!"

  When the hooded alleged offender was escorted out of the car, time seemed to stand still for that lesson, and the microscopic driver’s eyes were about to burst into flames with anger. "Cruel murderer!" I don’t know who shouted, and then, in an angry denunciation and scolding, the police car drove away with the alleged offender Longgang Public Security Bureau.

  The taxi fleet at the west exit of Huludao did not decrease due to the departure of the first escort convoy, because the second escort convoy will arrive at 17:00. At 16:00, a taxi driver called Huludao Traffic Art 878 Radio Station, calling on the majority of taxi companions to go to the west exit and wait for the arrival of the police car. Soon, the Lei Feng convoy arrived at the scene, and the west exit road was full of red taxis, with more than 200 vehicles. The municipal traffic police detachment also dispatched police to guide the scene. At 17:00, the escort car arrived at the west exit on time and drove to the West Street Police Station of Longgang Public Security Bureau. More than 150 taxis followed the escort convoy spontaneously.

  "We want to see these two murderers taken to the police station with our own eyes!" said Lao Li, the taxi driver. All the taxis following along the way flashed in double. "Let everyone remember this moment, the wicked will not end well!" A taxi driver rolled open his window and shouted loudly.

  After the escort convoy arrived at the West Street Police Station, hundreds of taxis still refused to leave. Everyone asked to see the police officers handling the case and express their gratitude in person. With the repeated insistence of the driver and onlookers, Feng Zhong, deputy director of the Longgang Public Security Bureau and director of the West Street Police Station, led the police to meet with everyone. A representative of Lei Feng’s convoy sent a banner with the words "Love the people and eliminate harm for the people" to Feng Zhong.

  Facing the excited driver, Feng Zhong said: "Criminals dare to openly challenge the solemn law. As the people’s police, we must severely crack down on their arrogance. This is our responsibility and obligation. Under the leadership of the municipal and district public security bureaus, we fought for three days and two nights, lined up more than 1,000 people, visited more than 600 taxis and more than 400 public places, collected nearly 1,000 pieces of information, and finally arrested two alleged offenders early this morning and handed over a qualified answer sheet to the people of the city. Everything shows that our laws cannot be trampled on, and people’s lives and property cannot be violated! Criminals will surely be severely punished by the law!"

  Last condolences

  At 18:25 on November 2, the police from the West Street Police Station, the Huludao Evening News, the Municipal Radio Station, the Municipal Traffic Channel, the Municipal Taxi Industry Association, and representatives of the Lei Feng motorcade came to the Zinc Factory Hospital mortuary one after another to express their final condolences to Lao Dong and condolences to Lao Dong’s family. Lao Dong’s eldest son held Feng Zhong’s hand tightly in sobbing, and cried bitterly at Lao Dong’s body: "Dad, go well! The police solved the case and caught the murderer! Our family thanks these police!"

  Back at the police station, the reporter saw that the police were all haggard. Only then did he realize that since receiving the case until now, they have been fighting on the front line of investigation and have not slept for three days. That night, Feng Zhong and the police did not have time to rest. After a simple dinner, they immediately interrogated the alleged offender.

  According to the alleged offender, both of them are under the age of 18, both are Xinmin, and they often get together after meeting online. After their mobile phones were tricked by a man named Dalong, they had no money in their hands, so they discussed going to Huludao to "get" some money back. The two originally wanted to "get" money by stealing and robbing, but after arriving in Huludao, they found that there were police cars patrolling the city every night, so they didn’t dare to do it. Later, the two discussed robbing a taxi in the middle of the night, then finding a place where no one was there to bury the driver, and then driving the car back to Xinmin to sell it. The stolen money was first bought by each person, and the rest was kept for normal spending. After having this idea, they were still very hesitant, and their hearts were full of doubts, because the city was full of police, and the police patrols at night were very frequent, so they had no chance to commit crimes at all. In the end, they decided to take the risk, and after missing two taxis, they chose the target of Lao Dong’s car. After committing the crime, the two drove the car to the north road of the zinc factory, and after passing through two large puddles, they wanted to bury Lao Dong’s body on the side of the road, but when they found a police car passing by, they turned the car around and moved Lao Dong’s body from the back seat of the car to the back compartment, and then found another place to bury it. On the way back, the car encountered the two large puddles again. After the first one, the car turned off and barely drove to the dirt bag in the middle of the two puddles, and the car could no longer catch fire. The two had to abandon the car and leave, and went to the train station to buy tickets back to Shenyang at 4 o’clock. But they never expected that they were arrested by the Huludao police just two days after fleeing back to Xinmin.

  At 2 am on November 3, the reporter saw more than 200 taxis parked in front of the zinc factory hospital. The drivers gave up their time to make money and rest to send Lao Dong on his last journey. At 3 am, the convoy to send the body away drove to the Xingcheng funeral home, and more than 300 people attended the farewell ceremony of Lao Dong’s body. Most of these people did not know the victim, and it was the profession of taxi drivers that connected their hearts. While people bid farewell to Lao Dong, they hated those ruthless criminals even more, and the police’s speed in solving the case made them believe that justice must triumph over evil, and crimes must be severely punished! At present, the case is under further trial. (Reporter, Zhang Yuchuan, Tian Jia, Xiang Nan)

Editor in charge: Li Xingchi