China Star Network Wang Chunting: The integration of heaven and earth should break through three types of technologies

March 22nd news (Nanshan) From March 22nd to 24th, 2023, the 2023 Global 6G Technology Conference was held in Nanjing under the guidance of the National 6G Technology R&D Promotion Working Group and the General Expert Group, and hosted by the Future Mobile Communication Forum and Zijinshan Laboratory with the theme of "6G Blending the World and Working Together to Create the Future". C114 will broadcast the conference live.

Wang Chunting, senior deputy chief engineer and deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission of China Satellite Network Group Corporation, introduced that 6G is currently in the discussion stage and has not confirmed the final target. The characteristics of 6G are the same. The industry has combed the computing network, full coverage, high-precision positioning, time reference, artificial intelligence, twinning, endogenous security and so on.

There are four aspects that will definitely become the main features of 6G in the future: First, full coverage. The core of the integration of heaven and earth is to complete full coverage, including land, sea and air, communication, navigation, remote sensing and computing networks. Second, the full spectrum, Sub-6GHz is widely used on the ground, and the direct connection of mobile phones in the future is likely to be Sub-6GHz. There are millimeter wave, terahertz and spectral bands in the fusion of heaven and earth. At present, millimeter wave and laser are among the satellites, and terahertz may also become the main frequency band of the inter-satellite chain. The third is strong intelligence, and 6G will be a network with internal intelligence and self-evolution. Fourth, strong security, network security and network performance must develop simultaneously.

Satellite communication is considered as an important symbol of 6G by the industry. In fact, satellite communication has a long history of development, which is divided into three stages. The first stage was from 1990 to 2000, which developed and competed with the ground network at the same time, but failed to form a scale due to multiple constraints; The second stage is from 2000 to 2014, and the supplement of positioning ground network has made a significant breakthrough. The third stage is the large-scale construction of a new generation of large-scale and giant low-orbit constellations from 2014 to now. Take "Star Chain" as an example, there are more than 4,000 satellites in orbit.

For the future integration of heaven and earth, Wang Chunting introduced three kinds of technologies:

The first is NTN network architecture technology. At present, there is a fully transparent architecture, which is simple and easy to use; Renewable architecture, base station, connection landing or inter-satellite routing; In addition, there is a renewable architecture with separated network elements. The last type is multi-connection architecture, and satellite terminals can take satellite routing or ground connection. Wang Chunting emphasized that architecture is the foundation of future system development and industrial development, and it is very important to establish architecture.

The second is the satellite-ground cooperative access and transmission technology under high dynamic conditions. Including beamforming and beam management, collaborative large-capacity access and switching, which is the key technology to realize the integration of heaven and earth.

The third is the large-scale satellite-ground integration networking technology based on multi-dimensional information in time and space. At present, the constellation configuration is mostly one-way. In the future, tens of thousands of satellites will be networked, and the constellation configuration will become more and more complicated. Satellite’s orbit is multi-path and its dimension is multi-dimensional. The design of routing network is much more complicated than that of single orbit plane, and it will also bring many technological innovations.

Finally, Wang Chunting expressed the hope that more people will pay attention to the hot spots and key technologies related to the integration of heaven and earth in the industry, and push forward related technologies together to build a network of integration of heaven and earth in the 6G era.

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